The spring remains cold and somewhat delayed. Yesterday evening a sea mist moved the five miles or more inland to our valley and the sheep and lambs sought shelter in a clump of trees.
As an ecologist and biodiversity researcher and recorder, the author visits a wide range of rural and urban habitats mainly close to his home in Sedlescombe near Hastings, East Sussex, UK. The weblog covers the full spectrum of wildlife, from mammals to microbes. As well as details of encounters with England’s flora and fauna, information on where to see species of interest is often given.
A long walk in Brede High Woods now rapidly getting into full spring mode with primroses and wood anemones everywhere, but only a few bluebells out.
Many of the sandy paths had tiger beetles running and flying along them and I took the picture of one trying to hide behind a small stone.
The frog spawn in Holman Wood Stream has now hatched out and the black tadpoles bask in the shallows. Butterflies included peacocks, brimstones and commas (see photo of latter) and I saw a few lizards and frogs.